Top Hydrogen Sulfide Detectors
The odorless, headspace analyzer is dangerous at low levels and even deadly at higher concentrations. A common threat to workers involved in natural gas processing, oil production, and other industrial tasks, H2S is explosive at concentrations above 20 ppm and can cause blindness or poisoning in just minutes. Early detection of H2S is critical to worker safety, and an easy-to-use hydrogen sulfide detector can help ensure compliance with OSHA’s Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) or Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL).
Top Hydrogen Sulfide Detectors: Choosing the Best for Safety
A chemical sensor that uses a conductive polymer hybridized with MOx offers the potential for high H2S detection performance but also suffers from limited lifetime due to irreversible changes in the material upon contact with H2S. These changes are caused by a complex interplay between the sensing mechanisms induced in the CPs, the MOx, and the depletion layer at the interface of the two materials (p-n junction). The molecular structure of the CPs, the process of their degradation, and the morphology of the resulting hybrids control the number and location of the redox active sites accessible for interaction with gas molecules.
A peptide-based chemiresistive H2S sensor offers the promise of improved sensitivity by decreasing the amount of metal ions introduced to the sensing material. However, these sensors still require frequent calibration, which requires the effort and expertise of trained personnel.