Buying Real Estate – Buyer’s Agents

Buyer’s agents, also known as buyers’ representatives or real estate brokers are professionals who provide a service to assist buyers or sellers in buying real estate properties. They act as facilitators between buyers and sellers for the purpose of purchasing a home or commercial real estate property. Buyers agents work as the mediator between sellers and buyers and play an important role in both the processes.

buyers agents

Learn How To Start Buying Real Estate – Buyer’s Agents

There are two types of buyers agents one is an individual agent and the other is an agency. The first agent is self-employed and the other is an individual who works for a particular brokerage firm or realtor. Buying agents or independent agents can work for themselves full-time and some even work part-time. There are three basic contract lengths for buying agencies or independent agent’s one-year term length, a five-year term length and one-term engagement period.

Buyer’s agents can also be paid on a percent basis, a flat rate or on a multiple-occurrence basis. A flat rate is the most common form of payment arrangement for buyers agents and allows for an automatic calculation of commission for each transaction. The other types include multiple-occurrence contract and one-time deal contracts. Multiple-occurrence contracts have a lower commission percentage, but allows for a set number of transactions over a set period of time. A one-time deal allows for a buyer to sell a real estate property within a specific time frame and the commission is not paid on such transactions.

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